Thursday, February 16, 2006

stay another season

last night i saw the moon for the first time since i've been here. and that's not because it's been cloudy or because it's too bright or because there are buildings in the way. it's because i never looked up. it's because i've been too self-absorbed to see anything that's not right in front of me, anyone that doesn't drink where i drink, that can't smile back at me from across the room.

but seeing it grounded me. it slammed me back down to earth. and i needed it. it stirred in me a mix of emotions, none of which i've had since being here: isolation, humility, nostalgia, sadness. but in the same way that it was humbling it was also comforting. given that my life here is largely nocturnal, it was nice to realize that the same moon that watches over me on familiar summer nights in texas is peering down at me on the other side of the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're five minutes away from whipping yourself in the eye again.

12:14 PM  

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