Thursday, January 26, 2006

The History of Air

make fun of me all you want, but i saw something yesterday that made my heart skip. to celebrate the 30th anniversary of air cushioning nike released the "3 decades of cushioning" line on jan. 21. it's limited and dropped primarily in NYC, LA, Tokyo, etc. i haven't found the niketown here yet, so i wasn't sure if i'd get to see them.

as i was walking around harajuku yesterday i passed atmos, a relatively famous sneaker shop. they had the "3 decades..." poster outside so i went in. [last time i went in i was underwhelmed by their selection]. well, so nike has taken over their whole shop -- they had a whole wall of all the air maxes in the "3 decades" pack. and the floor -- the whole entire floor -- was a giant air max bubble you could stomp and bounce around on. there were all these "harajuku sneaker kids and their haircuts" standing around talking about the shoes.

i was about to buy [seriously] three or four pairs, and i was like "do you have any of these in a US11?" and the guy lauged: "no, only one." meaning they only got one pair of each style. they were all a size 9.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how many times have your shoe pants flown off?

1:33 AM  

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