Thursday, January 26, 2006

i asked her name, she said "brah brah brah"

tuesday night after class i went with some kids to heartland in roppongi hills, a somewhat-upscale kind of neighborhood. it's pretty much an after work bar where suits go to pick up girls and where girls go to get picked up. it's a single yup late-20's kind of crowd, and ordinarily that's a pretty ugly scene, but i don't mind this place. in fact, i quite like it.

my friends have expressed a little concern that we're underdressed and outclassed -- outmanned and outgunned, you know? but i don't think that's the case at all. first of all, we're definitely not outclassed. and i think it's good to be the only guys there that aren't in black suits. paul summed it up: "those women have money. they don't care if we're broke. they're looking over at us because they want to dumpster dive."

anyway, i like the scene. the beer is cheap and the DJ is solid. [as an aside, with the exception of terrible clubs, the DJs in japan are dope. you'll hear these insane, unapologetic mash-ups - yesterday i heard outkast mixed into eddie money - but the vibe is always so mellow. i can't get enough of it.]

so, i tried to pick up on the two cutest girls in japan. they were sisters [of course.] you know how when you try to kick a soccer ball really hard and you completely whiff? it was kind of like that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blame it on a bad eye like P. Scholes.

1:10 AM  

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